In late May 2015, Sorbus Gallery will host a series of video and film screenings. The program is divided into five evenings compiled by curator Attilia Fattori Franchini, artist Jaakko Pallasvuo and the Sorbus working group. Many of the featured works will have their Finnish premiere at the Video Week.
CORE REJECTION – Wed at 6 pm
Jaakko Pallasvuo – Self-Accusation, 2015, 10 min
Keren Cytter – The Victim, 2006, 5 min
Dafna Maimon – Discipline Aid Attempt # 1, 2009, 10 min
Mikko Gaestel & Nike Arnold – Ankunft in Zone Delta (Δ), 2011, 16 min
Jaakko Pallasvuo has programmed a screening to coincide with the debut of his new video “Self-Accusation”, 35% based on the Peter Handke play of the same title.
This screening is not about economy, ecology, architectural space, materiality, criticality, image circulation, urbanism, post-internet or surveillance culture.
So I’ll start the revolution from my bed
Cos you said the brains I had went to my head
Step outside ‘coz summertime’s in bloom
Stand up beside the fireplace
Take that look from off your face
You ain’t ever gonna burn my heart out
– Oasis
Nik Fackler – SICK BIRDS DIE EASY, 100 min – Thu at 8.30 pm
Exploring the worlds of white privilege, magical realism and the apocalypse, Director Nik Fackler takes a drug addled conspiracy theorist, an entitled love drunk musician, and an American film crew deep into the jungles of Western Africa, searching for Iboga, an extremely potent psychedelic plant said to have the ability to heal drug addiction. What initially begins as a trip towards enlightenment, becomes a desperate attempt at maintaining sanity.
With a mad mix of compellingly hilarious characters, experimental drug use and an array of expertly wielded lo-fi and hi-fi cameras. Fackler capably explodes the fiction / non-fiction divide with an alarming self consciousness and ever more surprising degree of sincerity. Delving into mysticism, politics, colonialism and human nature, Sick Birds Die Easy is a mind bending, fantastical social experiment that will leave you laughing and questioning your own understanding of reality.
HEALING & UTOPIA – Fri at 6 pm
Melanie Bonajo – Night Soil-Fake Paradise, 2015, 36 min
kunstenaarsinitiatief beyoncé & Swatantra Theatre – Common Sadness, 2015, 16 min
Ben Russell – Atlantis, 2014, S16mm on video, 24 min
STONES IN A FIELD – Sat at 6 pm
Dominic Watson – Like a Rolling Stone, 2014, 3.34 min
Jessica Warboys – Stone Throat, 2011, 4.34 min
Sebastian Acker – Ennis House, 2014, 4 min
Jala Wahid – I’ve got a burning desire (come on, tell me boy), 2014, 4.25 min
Johann Arens – Marte e Venere – A Hand Held Monument, 2013, 10 min
Jimmy Merris – (m), 2013, 2.29m
Sam Austen – Such Animals, 2014, 19.02 min
Dominic Watson – Casual Fragrance, 2014, 3.58 min
Works selected by Attilia Fattori Franchini
“Ask yourself this question. Do we have to be humans forever? Consciousness is exhausted. Back now to inorganic matter. This is what we want. We want to be stones in a field.”
– Point Omega, Don Delillo, 2010
Point Omega is a novel written by American author, Don Delillo, in 2010.
The novel reflects about abstraction and matter, revealing an unsettling sense that reality is more a question of where attention is arbitrarily placed than a tangible fact.
A screening concerned with matter, objects and relations, love, sometimes. There is also the floating presence of words and sound, directing, deviating. Desire forming like an error.
Sorbus – The Sorbus Group Show, 2015, 11 min
Erkka Nissinen – Rigid Regime, 2012, 11 min
Reija Meriläinen, Artor Jesus Inkerö & Kristoffer Ala-Ketola – Friendship, 2015, 114 min
Toukokuun lopulla Sorbuksessa koittaa Videoviikko, jonka aikana galleriassa nähdään video- ja elokuvataidetta. Videoviikon ohjelma jakautuu viiteen iltanäytökseen, jotka ovat koonneet kuraattori Attilia Fattori Franchini, taiteilija Jaakko Pallasvuo sekä Sorbus-työryhmä. Useat näytöksissä esitettävistä teoksista nähdään ensimmäistä kertaa Suomessa.
Common Sadness on hollantilaisen taiteilijaryhmä kunstenaarsinitiatief beyoncén käsikirjoittama ja intialaisen Swatantra Theatre -teatteriryhmän näyttelemä ja kuvaama lyhytelokuva, jonka “tavoitteena on saada ihmiset tunteellisiksi”. Kristoffer Ala-Ketolan, Artor Jesus Inkerön ja Reija Meriläisen Friendship on taidemaailmaan sijoittuva tosi-tv-ohjelma, jossa taiteilijuus ja ystävyys on koetuksella kolmelle taiteilijalle annettujen tehtävien äärellä. Melanie Bonajon psykoaktiivista ayahuasca-juomaa käsittelevä Night Soil / Fake Paradise kysyy: “Mitä voimme oppia kasveilta?”. Videoviikolla saa ensiesityksensä Jaakko Pallasvuon videoteos Self Accusation, joka perustuu 35-prosenttisesti Peter Handken samannimiseen näytelmään.