INT. Sorbus Gallery – DUSK
KIMMO and GEORGES both lie on the floor, crying to their respective microphones that are connected to their headphones. SORBUS CREW MEMBERS (SCM) stroll between the back room and the exhibition space. SCM try to talk with each other, but the loud crying drowns out all other sounds. KYLIE enters, wearing a long white gown.
KYLIE: Yassas bitches!
GEORGES and KIMMO stop crying. KYLIE’s voice reverberates around the room for a long time. Everyone is silent. KIMMO and GEORGES help each other get up from the checkered floor.
K/G: (say something clever to Kylie, an art world reference perhaps)
KYLIE: Who cares what you know? Show em, Sorbus!
SCM start to dance in unison, moving back and forth between the two rooms, in resemblance to Kylie Minogue’s music video “I Was Gonna Cancel”.
KYLIE begins to inflate, her body taking up the whole room, forcing SCM, GEORGES and KIMMO to the corners of the exhibition space. KYLIE breaks through the ceiling, all the way up to the dark Helsinki sky.
DRAKE EX MACHINA enters, looking very depressed, walks slowly to the center of the room, picks up a mirror and looks at it, kicking a dog aside.
DRAKE EX MACHINA: If you’re reading this it’s too late.
DRAKE EX MACHINA nods to GEORGES and KIMMO, puts music on.
The dog barks.
* * *
G and K is a duo by artists Georges Jacotey and Kimmo Modig.
Previous collaborations:
“Court of Helburg”, performance by K featuring G (2014)
“Be My Baby”, a song by G and K (2014)
“DEEP4U”, a music video by K, featuring G, Jennifer Chan and Shawné Michaelain Holloway (2014)
“sth I never intended confessing to u”, online performance by G, curated by K for Antagon (2013)
“Expiration Date: Now”, performance by G and K, Frown Space Athens (2013)
G and K on taiteilijaduo jonka muodostavat Georges Jacotey ja Kimmo Modig. He ovat työskennelleet aiemmin yhdessä seuraavissa teoksissa:
Court of Helburg, esitys (2014)
Be My Baby, biisi (2014)
DEEP4U, musiikkivideo (2014)
sth I never intended confessing to u, online-esitys (2013)
“Expiration Date: Now”, esitys (2013)